

Qualche tempo fa, ho visto un servizio su questa città idela nel deserto costruita, anzi, che si sta costruendo, ad opera di un architetto italiano, Paolo Soleri: Arcosanti.

Arcology is Paolo Soleri’s concept of cities which embody the fusion of architecture with ecology. The arcology concept proposes a highly integrated and compact three-dimensional urban form that is the opposite of urban sprawl with its inherently wasteful consumption of land, energy and time, tending to isolate people from each other and the community. The complexification and miniaturization of the city enables radical conservation of land, energy and resources.

An arcology would need about two percent as much land as a typical city of similar population. Today’s typical city devotes more than sixty percent of its land to roads and automobile services. Arcology eliminates the automobile from within the city. The multi-use nature of arcology design would put living, working and public spaces within easy reach of each other and walking would be the main form of transportation within the city.

Il progetto è sostenuto anche dalla vendita di sonagli, troppo cari per me, per quanto belli.

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I fotoblog così belli sono sempre un pò deprimenti perchè mi fanno venire voglia di fare un bel falò delle mie macchinette fotografiche. A pensarci bene, ho letto questa frase spesso nei commenti di questi bellissimi fotoblog. Beh! Mal comune…

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